Thursday, August 16, 2007


Proportion or scale or relationship of various spaces to the
whole space. Good design will result from the correct propor-
tion used between the different sections of the garment. The
proportion can enhance or distort the garment depending on
usage, but must be related to overall appearance. Proportion
should be studied carefully to achieve the correct balance in the
design. Proportion refers to the relative size and scale of the
various elements in a design. The issue is the relationship
between objects, or parts, of a whole. This means that it is
necessary to discuss proportion in terms of the context or
standard used to determine proportions.
The timeless simplicity achieved by a perfect proportion makes
some classic fashion wearable for many many years. By changing
the proportion of a design different styles will result from the
same basic idea. The relationship in a design of one part to the
other and of all the parts to the whole is termed as PROPOR-
TION. The individual parts of apparel such as collars, cuffs,
pockets, sleeves, trimming, patterns and textures should be in
relation to the size of the wearer and to each other. Each
element or style feature of your dress should compliment each
other, they should look comfortable with each other.

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